Author: admin_dyktio


PROGRAMME 2018 The «Culture Lab» – open every weekday. 1.THE LENDING LIBRARY The library contains more than 5,000 children’s books –with numbers continually increasing thanks to purchases and donations – plus 40 tablets and numerous board games. It has more than 1600 child-members. The book collection includes more than 100 bilingual volumes (English-Farsi, English-Arabic) as […]

Survey on the children’s living conditions at Athens City Center – June 2015

SURVEY ON THE CHILDREN’S LIVING CONDITIONS AT ATHENS CITY CENTER JUNE 2015 SUMMARY This survey follows an older one; the previous one, also conducted by the Network for Children’s Rights in 2012, was based on qualitative methods. This one is based on quantitative methods. Both of them share a common objective: investigate the cultural and […]

Youth Centre

Creative teams program 2023 | Youth Center Latest News Completion of the online conference “EU and the Future. Insights on issues of equality, youth and refugees”Rights of children with disabilitiesIn our present timeOur differences are what unite usWhat does the inclusive society have in common with gender-based violence, child refugees, feminine hygiene, the media in [...]

Culture Lab

Creative and Learning Support Teams Program 2023-2024 | Culture Lab Latest News Creative and Learning Support Teams Program 2023-2024 | Culture LabStop motion animation for children and educatorsWe baked cookies and added salt instead of sugar | Culture LabBιωματικό Εργαστήρι για εκπαιδευτικούς «Η Δραματική Τέχνη στην Εκπαιδευτική Διαδικασία»The NCR at the Volunteer Festival in Technopolis [...]