Category: Uncategorized

85 Civil Society Organisations Call on MEPs to Uphold Fundamental Rights and Reject the Harmful Schengen Borders Code Recast

Despite repeated warnings from Civil Society Organisations, EU lawmakers have reached an agreement on the Schengen Borders Code reform which will be voted on in the LIBE Committee next week. The legislative file that has emerged from negotiations between the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and Commission will have […]

U-Report celebrates its first year of operation in Greece.

U-Report celebrates its first year of operation in Greece. The global platform for youth participation, U-Report Greece, celebrated its first year of operation in Greece, with an event dedicated to the right of teenagers and young people to freely express their opinion on issues that concern them. ATHENS DECEMBER 14, 2022: After a year filled […]

What do young people think about diversity and inclusion of refugees?

On the occasion of the international festival Refugee Week Greece 2022 and its theme around healing, young people from all over Greece shared their views on cultural diversity, social inclusion of refugees and migrants and the mutual care of these popu- lations through their communities. The poll entitled "Healing through Inclusion" was conducted through U-Report [...]

The Municipality of Eastern Samos welcomes U-Report at the historic City Hall of Vathi for the completion of the first poll

U-Report, UNICEF's global platform for the promotion of youth participation in public life, traveled to the Municipality of Eastern Samos and was presented to local students. Athens, May 10, 2022: UNICEF Greece Country Office and the Network for Children’s Rights, in collaboration with the Municipality of Eastern Samos, organized an event at the City Hall [...]


Completion of the online conference “EU and the Future. Insights on issues of equality, youth and refugees”European Union and the rights of the childBullyingIn our present timeSea, a big part of Greek CultureOur differences are what unite usWhat does the inclusive society have in common with gender-based violence, child refugees, feminine hygiene, the media in [...]

The previous years of CPU

Psychosocial and Legal Support (CPU) in the previous years! Since 2016 and in collaboration with international organizations, the first “Child Protection Units” were created in Open Accommodation Structures (Schisto and Elliniko) and in June 2017,nit started in the urban setting of Athens where it is implemented until today. The identification of children and the provision of […]