Save dignity, save PIKPA and Kara Tepe

Μore than 160 Greek and international organizations, academics and other actors from all over Europe urge the Greek authorities to revoke decision to close dignified alternatives in accommodating refugees οn Lesvos Athens, 30 September 2020 – We, the undersigned, call on the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarakis, and the local authorities of Lesvos […]

CALL TO ACTION From Civil Society Organisations Across Europe

MORIA FIRES: European Governments must urgently relocate displaced individuals from Greece Over the past two days devastating fires1 burnt down the Moria Registration and Identification Center and surrounding areas, the EU Hotspot on the Greek island Lesvos. The fires have left thousands of vulnerable individuals homeless and traumatised,2 among them over 4,000 children.3 The undersigned […]

Transfer Refugees and Asylum seekers to Safety on Mainland

Respect for Human Rights should Prevail over Use of Force Following yesterday’s fire in Moria, on Lesvos, which destroyed the Reception and Identification Centre, 31 civil society organizations call on the Greek Government to immediately provide assistance to people who lost their shelter. Those affected, among them many children and at-risk groups, must be carefully transferred to safety on the mainland. The transfer of at-risk groups, including unaccompanied children, pregnant […]

The first coronavirus case in Moria stresses the urgent need for a comprehensive integration policy and measures to safeguard the health of everyone

Athens, 8 September 2020: The first COVID-19 case was identified last week in Moria, spiraling concerns about the health and safety of the overcrowded Reception Center’s population. According to media reports,[i] the 40-year old refugee left Lesvos on 17 July, after being requested to exit the Center, and as per his right to move went […]

Press Release | The digital media training phase of EFIVOS project

Athens, 02/09/2020 PRESS RELEASE EFIVOS is a European Erasmus+ co-funded programme promoting inclusive education and common values among young people by raising awareness and enhancing their digital skills in media literacy. The project involves organizations from six EU countries (Greece, Italy, Germany, Cyprus, Sweden, Spain) led by the Network for Children’s Rights, with the main […]

Οpen letter 61 NGOs about the upcoming exits of recognized refugees from accommodation and cash assistance schemes

With an open letter 61 NGOs, among them the Network for Children’s Rights, are expressing their grave concern about the upcoming exits of at least 8,300 recognized refugees from accommodation and cash assistance schemes in Greece by the end of May 2020. A considerable number of these people, of which a large proportion are families […]