Category: OUR NEWS

Program of creative activities 2020 | Center for the Child – Frourarcheio

 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ΠΕΜΠΤΗ  ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ    16:00 – 17:00 Learning Greek language (6-12 years old)   15:00 – 16:00 Creative activities for kids                (4-5 years old) 17:00 – 17:45 Learning English language        (6-12 years old)   16:00 – 17:00 Storytelling in Greek        […]

One year after the Moria fire: Few lessons learned as Greece expands barriers to refugees’ protection

Forty five (45) NGOs and civil society groups have today released a report urging the European Union and Greek government to abandon plans to dramatically restrict the movement of people in refugee camps in Greece. With financial and technical support from the European Commission, authorities in Greece are constructing fences and concrete walls around dozens […]

PR | Greece deems Turkey “safe”, but refugees are not

The substantive examination of asylum applications is the only safe solution for refugees. Athens, 14 June 2021: With a new Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD) issued on 7 June, the Greek State designates Turkey as a “safe third country” for families, men, women and children of five nationalities2 seeking international protection in Greece. It is noted […]

For a Europe that truly protects: Joint NGO policy brief on the screening regulation proposal

In September 2020, the European Commission presented its proposal on a new Pact on Migration and Asylum, promising a ‘fresh start’ to Europe’s approach to migration. The Pact introduced a number of legislative proposals that are currently being examined in the European Parliament and the Council, including the Regulation introducing a screening of third country […]