EFIVOS Project

EFIVOS is a European Erasmus+ KA3 co-funded programme promoting inclusive education and common values among young people by raising awareness and enhancing their digital skills in media literacy. The name EFIVOS (Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era) is the Greek wordteenager” and has been chosen as the acronym of the project whilst highlighting the main beneficiaries of the activities  

Six EU countries (Greece, Italy, Germany, Cyprus, Sweden, Spain) are involved as partners in the project. The partner organizations are Network for Children’s Rights, Action Synergy S.A., Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale, Medien+bildung.com, Citizens In Power, Mobilizing Expertise and Inercia Digital.    

The overall aim of the project is to assist adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as migrant and ethnic minority groups, to effectively integrate into society. This will be done mainly by introducing them to the principles of journalism and digital media, which ultimately will empower them not only to use digital media but also to use them critically and creatively in order to raise their voices and become active citizens  

Specifically, the project aims to upscale a programme called “Young Journalists”, an initiative of the Network for Children’s Rights, which was developed at a local level in Athens, Greece. It has recently been included as a promising good practise and an example of child participation and peer-to-peer information in a practical handbook for professionals working with children prepared by the Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division. In the framework of this programme, refugee, migrant, and Greek youth are empowered to run and manage their own printed newspaper calledMigratory Birdswhich is distributed as an insert with the Greek newspaper “I Efimerida ton Sintakton“, and their own web-radio, calledDandelion“. In the process of upscaling, the project aims to further expand its experience as a good practice across EU and envisages to foster its forward-looking initiative and advance prior learning, by further contributing to the acquisition of specialized competencies by young people on media literacy and digital skills.    

The vision of the programme is to watch young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds succeeding in and changing their lives, being self-confident, competent, more critically aware, and ready to cope with any challenge they will encounter in the future. In the process of upscaling, it aims to transfer this practice in 5 other European countries and shift the focus from traditional media to digital media.

For more information, visit our official website: http://efivos.eu/