Press Release | Active citizens fund in Greece announces the first grantees of the programme

2 projects will be funded across Greece, in support of vulnerable groups, advocacy and the watchdog role of civil society Bodossaki Foundation and SolidarityNow, under their capacity as the Fund Operator of the EEA Grants Active citizens fund programme in Greece, are pleased to announce the names of the civil society organisations that have been […]

Participation of the Network for Children’s Rights in the 18th National Round Table of the NGO “Antigone”

The Network for Children’s Rights participated in on December 16, 2019 in the 18th National Round Table on Discrimination organized by the Non-Profit Organization “Antigone” with theme: “The Fundamental Parameters of Social Integration of Refugees in Greece in the Years of the Refugee Issue dominant European case“. The Network was represented by the Legal Aid […]

Letter from the network to the Minister of Labour, Social Security and welfare on the AMKA performance process to foreign nationals of non-EU countries.

To: K. Yiannis Vroutsi Minister for Labour, Social Security and welfare Athens, 23/7/2019 Mr Minister, On behalf of the network for the rights of the Child, on the occasion of your appointment in the post of Minister of Labour, Social Security and welfare, we would like to congratulate you on taking up your new responsibilities […]

Rights4Kids program

The Network for Children’s Rights (Network) is taking part in the Rights4Kids program, which reaches out to children and teenagers from disadvantaged social groups and aims to uphold, promote and safeguard the rights of the children as set out by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child [1989] as well as to empower and […]