Creative activities for teenagers – Center for the Child – TEVA

The staff of the ‘Network for the Childrens Rights” and the Municipality of Athens are organizing Adolescent Engagement Teams to enhance emotional intelligence, cultivate individual skills to improve the quality of their relationships, and to improve their intelligence and intelligence. about early adulthood.



04/11/2019: Meet and Welcome Members. Formation of an Informal Group Contract. Expectations and Rules of Operation.

11/11/2019: Thematic Teamwork: Developing team spirit and improving teamwork and quality interpersonal relationships in order to make them more functional.

18/11/2019: Thematic Communication: Developing communication skills, Developing effective ways of communication as a way of expression and interaction. Improving interpersonal relationships (school, family, friends).

25/11/2019: Thematic Diversity: Forms of Diversity. Recognition, acceptance and exploitation of individual diversity.


02/12/2019: Thematic Emotional Intelligence: Recognizing and Managing Emotions (eg Fear of Exams). Relieve internal tension and express emotions.

09/12/2019: Thematic Self-Confidence: “Building” Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem. What impact does it have on our daily lives?

16/12/2019: Team Close: Sharing Experiences and Emotions – Report.

Meeting hours: 16:00 to 17:30

Information and applications for participation in the Multipurpose Primary School Daily 9am – 7 pm, Sarandaporou 4, Ano Patisia. Tel. 210 2015510-11 (inc. 118, 107)

Team Moderators: Olympia Pop & Panagiotis Tsagaris / Psychologists