Author: admin_dyktio

Prosvasis is here: Let’s go!

Prosvasis is here. Let’s go! PROSVASIS   program   aims   to   empower   unaccompanied   teens,   young   refugees and migrants  between  16-24  years  old,  to  orientate  them  towards  an  energetic  and active attitude  towards  life  and  their  future;  to  help  their  smooth  transition  to adulthood, autonomy and independence and become the basis for their social integration. PROSVASIS provides a […]

Our rights become a song

Lyric composition contest by the Network for Children’s Rights “What if we sing about them?” Could this finally be the solution for everyone to understand the rights of children and respect them in practice? The Network for Children’s Rights organizes a lyric composition contest for all children. Our goal is to make songs about the […]

The Network’s Campaign for International Children’s Book Day

(Activity for Children) “FROM MY BOOKSHELF AND FROM MY HEART” #TellYourTale – April Campaign for Children’s Books On the occasion of International Children’s Book Day on April 2nd, Network for Children’s Rights is celebrating children’s literature, as it does every April.  This year the Network has gathered together a group of literary figures, writers and […]

Further the movement

“Further the Movement”  is a research programme of contemporary dance that is implemented by the Network of Children’s Rights in co-operation with the senior professional dancing school “AKTINA” funded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.  The aim of the programme is the enrichment of the Greek choreographic creation through research in the field of […]

Prosvasis – Program for social inclusion and empowerment of unaccompanied teenagers and young refugees

The Prosvasis project aims to empower unaccompanied teenagers and young refugees and migrants, aged 16-24; to orient them towards an active attitude towards their lives and their future; and to become the BASIS for their social inclusion. Considering (a) the criticality of age before and during the transition to adulthood, especially for vulnerable groups of […]


Recent News EU and the Future Conference: Insights on issues of equality, youth and refugeesRights of children with disabilitiesInclusive societiesMan and his habitatRacism, till when?“P” is for PeaceWhat do teenagers know about EU policy and Climate Change?Σειρά εργαστηρίων στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος EFIVOS IIPress Release | The digital media training phase of EFIVOS projectΑνοιχτή πρόσκληση [...]