Category: Featured

What do young people think about diversity and inclusion of refugees?

On the occasion of the international festival Refugee Week Greece 2022 and its theme around healing, young people from all over Greece shared their views on cultural diversity, social inclusion of refugees and migrants and the mutual care of these popu- lations through their communities. The poll entitled "Healing through Inclusion" was conducted through U-Report [...]

U-Report GR and Refugee Week GR join forces on the occasion of World Refugee Day!

U-Report, UNICEF’s global platform for the promotion of youth participation, and Refugee Week Greece, a cultural festival that celebrates the contributions and creativity of refugees, want to find out what teenagers and young people think about the inclusion of refugees and immigrants in Greek society! Athens 6 June 2022: On the occasion of the international […]

PR | Greece deems Turkey “safe”, but refugees are not

The substantive examination of asylum applications is the only safe solution for refugees. Athens, 14 June 2021: With a new Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD) issued on 7 June, the Greek State designates Turkey as a “safe third country” for families, men, women and children of five nationalities2 seeking international protection in Greece. It is noted […]