Research regarding education during the COVID-19 pandemic
03-12-2021 14:26
The Network for Children’s Rights created a targeted questionnaire, prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic that started in March 2020 and the fact that schools across the country stopped in-class lessons and switched to remote learning for the majority of the 2020-2021 school year. The purpose of the questionnaire was to collect data and communicate the findings that emerged upon completion of the research.
The 3 questionnaires that were created were addressed to a) teachers, b) parents and c) the coordinators of refugee accommodation structures. Completion of the questionnaires was anonymous.
The general intention of the research was to collect data that will allow for interventions through advocacy, targeted recommendations, and appropriate actions for all children, in order to fill any learning gaps and find solutions to other problems created by the pandemic.Find the summary and the results of the three questionnaires in the attached file.
Furthermore, Eurochild, of which NCR is a member uploaded the summary of our research
About Us
The Network for Children’s Rights acquired non-profit organisation status in 2004, but actually began as an informal action group four years earlier with the aim of raising awareness of problems relating to the righs of children and interceding in order to solve them. It encourages initiatives and actions to ensure that the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child is implemented in Greece, to guarantee respect for diversity and to put an end to discrimination. Its members are teachers, parents, university lecturers, authors, artists and children who work on a voluntary basis both within and outside the school community. They carry out surveys, campaigns and programmes.