Racism, till when?

30-01-2024 17:36
Learn more about the program EFIVOS

By Evina Walsh

Nowadays, racism remains a daily concern, although there is significant progress for the racial equality.

Racism according to Wikipedia is and «ideology based on the belief that there is a hierarchy between human beings regarding their skin color». That discrimination is fueled by many factors such as stereotypes and prejudices. This article explores the mechanic configuration of racism in our society and the measures taken to fight against that social scourge.

From the outset, we have to note that racism is not only a nowadays concern, but it has also existed since the slave trade. The real problem is that it continues to influence people’s daily lives.

The fight against that is a big challenge for our modern society and we can list many tools. Solidarity is a way to guarantee stability and equality between ethnicities in modern society. By working together, it is obvious that we will create a fair society taking into account everyone regardless the skin color. We could also note the importance of education and the consciousness awakening.

Finally, the real concern is what can we do individually to fight the scourge of racism in our daily life?

The article was created as part of the CERV project Efivos in Europe. The EFIVOS II program is funded by the European Commission (CERV), with partners Network Children’s Rights (Greece), CIP (Cyprus), HESED (Bulgaria), GEYC (Romania), Dedalus (Italy), Pacto Verde (Spain), Crossing Borders (Denmark).

Disclaimer The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The EFIVOS II program is funded by the European Commission (CERV), with partners Network Children’s Rights (Greece), CIP (Cyprus), HESED (Bulgaria), GEYC (Romania), Dedalus (Italy), Pacto Verde (Spain), Crossing Borders (Denmark).


About Us

The Network for Children’s Rights acquired non-profit organisation status in 2004, but actually began as an informal action group four years earlier with the aim of raising awareness of problems relating to the righs of children and interceding in order to solve them. It encourages initiatives and actions to ensure that the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child is implemented in Greece, to guarantee respect for diversity and to put an end to discrimination. Its members are teachers, parents, university lecturers, authors, artists and children who work on a voluntary basis both within and outside the school community. They carry out surveys, campaigns and programmes.



Network for Children's Rights
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