As you probably already know, we undertake a large variety of projects, whose objective is to raise awareness amongst the public and mobilise people to take action in support of children’s rights. Our programmes are designed to help children enjoy their rights but also to teach them how to respect the rights of others while asserting their own.
We are looking for people with new ideas and initiative to support us, people who are sensitive to human rights, especially those of children. If you feel that our aims and actions reflect your own concerns, please join the Network as a member in order to help our efforts from close by.
It is easy to become a member, and it costs just 20 euros per year. All you need to do is fill in the form below and send as your annual subscription via PayPal. Alternatively, you can send it via bank transfer or internet banking to any one of the accounts below. Kindly write «membership subscription» as the reason and please include your full contact details (name, telephone number, address, email).