Join Us for an Unforgettable Online Music Experience! Dear Change Makers, The power of music connects all of us! Therefore, the Network for Children’s Rights and the partners of the European project, Songs for Change, warmly invite you all to a musical evening of unity and transformation at our international online festival. So, let’s get […]
Series of trainings for young people on Journalism and the Media
Within the framework of the European program CERV, EFIVOS II, a series of trainings were held for young people on the subject of Journalism and Media. 247 teenagers and young people from 7 countries (Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain) participated in the workshops, while young people participated through exchange programs from Germany, India, […]
Σειρά εργαστηρίων στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος EFIVOS II
The Network for Children’s Rights, within the European program CERV EFIVOS II, implemented a series of trainings for young people in Journalism and the Media. The trainings lasted 5 days and were 30 hours long. The 26 participants attended the 5 topics and created corresponding material. Principles of Journalism and Journalistic Ethics Introduction to articles […]
Workshops on EU Institutions in the framework of EFIVOS II
Workshops were organized in 7 countries by the 7 partners.; in total 176 young people participated (97 girls and 79 boys). The participants were from different backgrounds, some were university students, other refugees, members of the Roma community, and youth; some of them had participated in EU projects like Erasmus and Solidarity Corps (limited knowledge […]
Focus group results on the knowledge of teenagers and young people about the European Union
Journalism workshops for teens and youth 13-24 years old!
Young Journalists (Migratory Birds) WHAT IS IT; The Young Journalists program is a non-formal and inclusive training practice, with journalism and mass media as key tools, aimed at teenagers and young adults aged 13-24. The members of the group “Young Journalists”, a group of teenagers and young refugees, immigrants and Greek women, publish the newspaper […]
Youth Center
Youth Center: Weekly Schedule 2024-2025
EFIVOS Project
EFIVOS is a European Erasmus+ KA3 co-funded programme promoting inclusive education and common values among young people by raising awareness and enhancing their digital skills in media literacy. The name EFIVOS (Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era) is the Greek word […]
Open Call to professionals for distance learning seminars
Date: 16/11/2020 – 26/2/2021 Apply until: 05/11/2020 50 hours of webinars and workshops Certificate of participation Language: English The Network for Children’s Rights and 6 other organizations from across Europe are expanding the successful “Young Journalists” programme, an initiative of the Network through which teenage and young migrants, refugees and Greeks create their own printed […]