Press Release Refugee Week Greece – “Our Home” 14 – 23 June 2024

31-05-2024 14:44

Refugee Week Greece returns for its third year, continuing to amplify the global movement celebrating the resilience, diversity, and creativity of individuals who have experienced forced displacement. This cultural festival honours refugees and migrants contributions and authentic stories, taking place annually to coincide with World Refugee Day on June 20th.

Our mission is to embrace and celebrate the rich tapestry of our diverse community, acknowledging the unique contributions of each individual. Through a week-long program of diverse events, activities, and workshops, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by displaced individuals and highlight the positive impact they make.

“To me, a home is where you feel loved, safe, and cherished.”- Malala Yousafzai

Finding a home today presents a significant challenge for displaced communities. Recognising the critical importance of having a home for all—both new arrivals and long-time residents of our cities—is essential. We understand the difficulties many face in securing a safe place to live, and this awareness drives our commitment to addressing this pressing issue.

Refugee Week 2024 embraces the theme of "Our Home," inviting everyone to reflect on the essence of home. From the communal spaces where we share meals to our shared planet, Earth, we celebrate what home means to each of us. Together, let’s strive to ensure that everyone has access to a safe and sustainable home. Through collective effort and solidarity, we can build a better future for everyone.

This year, we are encouraging everyone to make your events plastic-free, and we invite you all to pledge your support for a plastic-free Refugee Week Greece. To assist in this effort, we are providing a Plastic Free Guide to all organisers and attendees. We will also provide tips and advice to help them plan accordingly and inform them about the available facilities, ensuring they come ready to support our sustainable initiative.

Refugee Week Greece aims to foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders to promote a positive message for refugees and migrants, inspiring collective action toward more inclusive societies. Engagement in community activities in integrated spaces provides opportunities to learn new skills, refine hobbies, and enhance confidence. Active participation in community endeavours fosters personal development and a sense of contribution, offering fulfilment and meaning through projects that benefit society.

Refugee Week 2024 is 17–23 June, join us!

Launch in Athens, Friday 14th June

Launch for our Highlighted City for 2024, Heraklion, Crete 15th and 16th June

“Through each activity, I felt like I was transported between different realms, moving from the realm of fiction to the realm of action, from community theatre to an art workshop, from children's creative endeavours to women's empowerment talks, films and music, from delving into history and tradition to experiencing both anxiety but mostly hope for the future.” - Refugee Week Greece audience member

Refugee Week Greece 2024 will feature various events & activities, with highlights including:

    • Friday 14th June, Launch Event in Athens - Screenings “The Swimmers”


    • Saturday June 15 & Sunday June 16, Official Opening: “2nd Multicultural Festival: Tastes & Melodies of the World, in Heraklion”, Crete, as the honoured city of this year's festival, in collaboration with the Municipality of Heraklion - Council for the Integration of Immigrants & Refugees, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) - "HELIOS" Programme and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


    • Monday 17th June, Pixida Films Launch Screening Event ‘Crossings’ in Athens


    • Wednesday 19th June, “Together in Sport - Together in Taekwondo”, METAdrasi & Hellenic Olympic Committee (“Together in Sport - Phase II Project”), Panathenaic Stadium, METAdrasi, Hellenic Olympic Committee, Hellenic Taekwondo Federation, Olympic Museum, UNHCR Greece


    • Thursday 20th June, Community Event “Our home, our neighbourhood”, Ampelokipoi Park, Athens Coordination Center for Migrant & Refugee issues (ACCMR)

Refugee Week is a global movement with festivals taking place in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Malta, Taiwan, Republic of Ireland, South Africa and many more (17 countries in total)

The initiative is a cultural festival, part of a dynamic global movement, and promotes the contribution, creativity and resilience of people who have experienced displacement, refugees and migrants and people seeking refuge. The Festival  is co-organised and co-produced by Counterpoints Greece and We are Community and is implemented under the Auspices of the City of Athens, supported by OPANDA.

Our work is supported by our Steering Group members organisations: Choose Love, Comicdom, Counterpoints, Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR), International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Melissa Network, Network for Children’s Rights, SolidarityNow, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Greece, UNICEF and We Are Community.

We also work in partnership with the Athens Coordination Center for Migrant and Refugee issues (ACCMR) for the design and the production of the Community Event (20th June).

We would like to thank our Youth Board of Refugee Week Greece 2024 for their dynamic energy and passion. They drive every aspect of the event, ensuring it resonates with the evolving needs of displaced youth. As advocates, they champion their peers' perspectives and inspire positive change, serving as role models for a more inclusive society.

We also extend a heartfelt gratitude to the organisations that have been steadfast allies in our mission to celebrate diversity and promote understanding. Their unwavering support and collaboration have been instrumental in shaping Refugee Week Greece into a dynamic and impactful cultural festival that brings communities together and amplifies the voices of those seeking refuge.

Publicity Material

All Publicity Material and images can be found HERE

Please use credits: Refugee Week Greece

Hashtags: #RefugeeWeekGreece #RefugeeWeekGreece2024 #OurHome

Statistics from 2023

    • 132 events


    • 1 advocacy roundtable discussion


    • 2 online exhibitions


    • 45 film screenings


    • 2,500 participants


    • 120 organisations involved


    • 43 up and coming artists of the diaspora

For more information and Press Enquiries please contact  Dina Ntziora - Senior Producer +30 698 30 50 292

Refugee Week Greece film 2023
Social Media Instagram: @refugeeweekgreece | Facebook: @refugeeweekgreece | LinkedIn: @refugee-week-greece | website:
Detailed Programme of Events:

Participating organisations


Amurtel Hellas

Apostoli NGO

Athens Olympic Museum

Armonia Project

Athens Photowalkers

Caritas Athens

Counterpoints Arts Greece

Diversity United

EKPA, Athens Medical School-Postgraduate in Disaster Medicine and Global Health


Free Movement Skateboard

Greek Forum of Migrants

Greek Forum of Refugees

Hellenic Olympic Committee

Greek Wrestling Federation

Hip Hop 4 Hope

Institut français de Grèce

Inter Alia



KEM- Centre of integration of migrants in the municipality of Athens

KMOP-Social Action and Innovation Centre

METAdrasi - Action for Migration and Development


Network for Children's Rights

Opanda- Paidiki Library

Opanda- Vrefiki Library

Organisation Earth

Pigi Koinsep

Pixida Films

PR.A.K.S.I.S. – Programs of Development, Social Support and medical Cooperation

Revma - A moving creative society

Rad Music International

SolidarityNow Society for the care of minors and youth

Theognis Megara

Ukrainian Women in Greece

UNHCR Greece

Velos Youth

Victoria Community Centre

We are Community


About Us

The Network for Children’s Rights acquired non-profit organisation status in 2004, but actually began as an informal action group four years earlier with the aim of raising awareness of problems relating to the righs of children and interceding in order to solve them. It encourages initiatives and actions to ensure that the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child is implemented in Greece, to guarantee respect for diversity and to put an end to discrimination. Its members are teachers, parents, university lecturers, authors, artists and children who work on a voluntary basis both within and outside the school community. They carry out surveys, campaigns and programmes.



Network for Children's Rights
address 11Β Alkamenous Str., PC 104 39 Athens
phone +30 210 8846590email