Category: OUR NEWS

Important announcement on the transfer of the premises of the Youth Center and Protection for All Minors

Network for Children’s Rights informs the beneficiaries and organizations/ stakeholders/services that from Friday, June 21, 2024, psychosocial and legal support services for unaccompanied minors living in homelessness and precarious conditions, through the Protection for All Minors program and the National Emergency Response Mechanism, are transferred to 187-189 Konstantinoupoleos Avenue, 10444. The contact phone number is […]

Completion of the online conference “EU and the Future. Insights on issues of equality, youth and refugees”

The Online European Conference organised in the framework of the CERV project, Efivos in Europe, on Thursday 13 June 2024, which was attended by more than 300 people, was concluded with interesting presentations and discussions. Experts and young people shared their experiences, their concerns and optimism about equality, youth and refugees in the European Union. […]

Press Release Refugee Week Greece – “Our Home” 14 – 23 June 2024

Refugee Week Greece returns for its third year, continuing to amplify the global movement celebrating the resilience, diversity, and creativity of individuals who have experienced forced displacement. This cultural festival honours refugees and migrants contributions and authentic stories, taking place annually to coincide with World Refugee Day on June 20th. Our mission is to embrace […]

Attack in Thessaloniki: yet another violent incident targeting people because of their identity

Athens 15.03.2024 – The Racist Violence Recording Network strongly condemns the violent incident against two LGBTQI+ individuals in Thessaloniki by a large group on Saturday 9 March 2024 and expresses its deep concern about the escalating homophobic and transphobic rhetoric targeting LGBTQI+ people and the impact it might have on their safety and well-being. According to the victims’ […]

The NCR contributes to Eurochild’s Children in Need report 2023

Alongside The Smile of the Child and ALMA Amea, Network For Children’s Rights contributed towards Eurochild’s 2023 report on children in need across Europe. To produce the report, the three organizations leveraged their expertise in various issues concerning children in Greece such as child poverty and social exclusion, discrimination, health, online safety, and early childhood services. The report […]

Joint Civil Society Statement on Article 5 of the EU Screening Regulation

82 Civil Society Organisations come together with PICUM and BVMN to express concerns regarding the potential retention of Article 5 in the proposed EU Screening Regulation (one of key legislative files encompassing the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum) during trilogue negotiations. This provision would extend the application of screening procedures not only to people […]

Focus group results on the knowledge of teenagers and young people about the European Union

Under the premises of the European program (CERV) "EFIVOS II", focus groups were organized in 7 countries (Denmark, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Italy, Romania, Cyprus) on the topic of teenagers and young people's knowledge about the European Union, policies and the European Strategy for Youth. A total of 184 young people participated (98 girls, 80 boys [...]

No monitoring of fundamental rights violations in Greece without independent and effective mechanisms

Athens, June 21, 2023: Greece must guarantee independent and effective monitoring of violations of the human rights of refugees and migrants to restore the rule of law, following the European Commission request to the Greek authorities for an investigation of a push back of refugees by the Hellenic Coast Guard on Lesvos island, documented by […]

Πρόσκληση για την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου μας “Έχω δικαίωμα; Έχω δικαίωμα!” 🗓

Στην εκδήλωση θα μιλήσουν για το βιβλίο τα μέλη της δημιουργικής ομάδας – ο συγγραφέας Πάνος Χριστοδούλου, η εικονογράφος Στέλλα Στεργίου, η Κούλα Πανάγου, η Στέλλα Δημητρακοπούλου, η agent Veronique Kirchhoff, η κοινωνική λειτουργός Δρ. Λίνα Λαχανιώτη και η εκδότρια Μαριάννα Ψύχαλου. Στη συζήτηση που θα ακολουθήσει, θα μιλήσουν οι: Αγγελική Γιαννακοπούλου – καθ. Παιδικής […]